The Art Forms
My Art world has always been a dynamic place, with art forms and ideas converging at often unexpected times. At one time, even considering the world of comics, I have had meaningful relationships with several art forms as they offered the best visual solutions for specific interests. For the past 30 years, the field of studio jewelry, with occasional forays into other forms that could feed and feed into my overall view, has fueled my object-making. My work ponders autobiographical notions, social commentaries that wouldn’t be quiet, and wonders of the natural world, both literally and metaphorically.
This site pulls together that view and offers an overall look at my some of my creations beginning in the late ‘60s up to the present. The 1970s focused on drawing, shifting into jewelry in the ‘80s, and photography and computers entered the scene in the 1990s. My studio is located in McAllen, Texas, where the Border culture consistently renews the creative process.
Nancy Moyer, Professor Emerita of Art

Background and Achievements
- 2005-now Professor Emerita of Art, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley
- 1994-2003 Chair of Art, Department, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1972-1981 Chair of Art Department, Pan American University
- 1973-2003 Professor of Art, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1969-1973 Associate Professor of Art, Pan American University
- 1989 Profesora Visitante, Universidad de las Americas, Cholula, Mexico
- 1968-1969 Teaching Assistant, Southern Illinois University, Secondary Ed. Dept
- 1966-1967 Head of the Art Department, St. Francis Academy, Joliet, Illinois
- 1964-1966 Instructor of Art, Texas State University, San Marcos
- 1960 Commercial Artist, Todd Company-Borroughs Corp., New Orleans
- 2010 “Jackrabbits,” sculpture for the City of McAllen, Douglas Clark collaboration
- 1997 “University Academic Banners,” UTPA, 7 permanent commencement ceremonial banners
- 2018 Truth & Rumors, International Museum of Art & Science, McAllen TX
- 2015 InRetrospect Revisited, BeeHive Collective, Harlingen
- 2012 Cessations & Continuations, Kika de la Garza Fine Arts Center, Mission, TX
- 2011 The Bicameral Face, Ben Bailey Gallery, Kingsville
- 2010 The Bicameral Face, International Museum of Art & Science, McAllen
- 2009 The Bicameral Face, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art
- 2003 InRetrospect, Clark Gallery, University of Texas-Pan American
- 2000 Interactions, Clark Gallery, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1995 Paths of Existence, University Gallery, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1994 Paths of Existence, Richardson Art Gallery, UTB, Brownsville, TX
- 1992 Basics. University Gallery, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1991 New Contemporary Jewelry. Selections Gallery, Beaumont, TX
- 1991 Nancy Moyer, New Art Gallery, Harlingen, TX
- 1990 Perceptual Augmentations, University Gallery, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1981 South Texas Ranches and Other Pertinent Images, Hidalgo County Museum
- 1974 Current Work, Altimira Gallery, Edinburg
- 1971 Drawings, Xochil, Mission, TX
- 2018 Mend:Work Created by Feminism, Mad Eye Gallery, NYC
- 2018 La Frontera: Encounters Along the Texas-Mexico Border, Museum of Art & Design NYC
- 2016 Un/Provincial: The Art of South Texas, Brownsville Museum of Fine Art, Brownsville TX
- 2014 Animal Instincts, Exhibition in Print-Metalsmith Magazine, vol. 34, no.4
- 2014 Body and Soul: Defensive Ornament, Metals Museum, Memphis (book)
- 2014 Body and Soul: Defensive Ornament, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Wash
- 2014 La Frontera, Art Gallery, Indiana University, Kokomo
- 2014 La Frontera, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
- 2013 La Frontera, Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico City (catalogue)
- 2013 La Frontera, Velvet Da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco
- 2013 Anniversary Exhibit, Galeria 409, Brownsville TX
- 2012 What is Sacred, Serena Pandos Gallery, McAllen
- 2011 Counterflux: Defensive Ornament, G. Gibson Gallery, Seattle
- 2011 Valley Women, Galeria 409, Brownsville
- 2010 Selections from the Permanent Collection, International Museum of Art & Science McAllen
- 2010 4th Anniversary Exhibit, Galeria 409, Brownsville
- 2009 Black & White Selections, Museo de Arte Contemperaneo de Tamaulipas, Matamoros
- 2009 Third Anniversary Exhibit, Galeria 409, Brownsville
- 2008 Black & White, International Museum of Art & Science, McAllen
- 2007 WAR, Gallery 1/0, New Orleans
- 2006 RED, International Museum of Art & Science, McAllen TX
- 2005 Re-considered/Re-invented, Brookfield Craft Center, Brookfield
- 2005 Corrietes Alternes, Museo de Arte Contemperaneo de Tamaulipas, Matamoros
- 2005 Arte Rio Grande, International Museum of Art & Science, McAllen
- 2004 My Hearts Desire, UTPA University Gallery
- 2002 Catredrales de Arte, Museo de Arte Contemperaneo de Tamaulipas, Matamoros
- 2002 Refined lll, SFA Gallery, Nagcodoches (juried)
- 2000 Artists/Mentors, McAllen International Museum
- 1999 Talismans for the Coming Millenium, St. Louis Artists’ Guild (juried)
- 1991 Precious Metals, juried, Mesa Art Center, Mesa AZ (juried)
- 1991 Playful Intent, juried, Craft Alliance, St. Louis (juried)
- 1998- Annual Faculty Exhibitions, Clark Gallery, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1996 International Exhibition of Miniature Art, Del Bello Gallery, Toronto
- 1996 Renosa Festival Frontera, Reynosa Museo Historica
- 1994 Group Show, Women and Their Work Gallery, Austin (juried)
- 1994 Facetas, Formas, y Figuras, Tampico, Taumaulipas
- 1994 One Square Foot of Art, Dishman Gallery, Beaumont
- 1993 Arte del Norte, Casa de la Cultura, Monterrey, N.L
- 1992 Annual Juried Exhibition, McAllen International Museum
- 1992 UTPA Faculty Invitational, Galleria de Faculdad Architectura de Universidad de la N.L., Monterrey MX
- 1992 Art, Science, and Architecture, sponsored by the McAllen International Museum.
- 1992 Metallics-Browne and Moyer, University Gallery, UTPA, Edinburg
- 1991 International Art Show, Art League Museum, Brownsville (juried)
- 1990 Society of North American Goldsmiths Annual Conference Display, San Franciso
- 1989 Special Designs, Sol del Rio Gallery, San Antonio
- 1989 Art Faculty of South Texas, McAllen International Museum
- 1989 Artista de Tejas, CAVIE, Saltillo, Mexico
- 1989 Opening Exhibition, The Art Gallery, McAllen
- 1988 Art Faculty Art, McAllen International Museum
- 1988 Moyer and Manuella, UTPA University Gallery, Edinburg
- 1987 The Enamelist First Annual Juried Exhibit, Sarah Squeri Gallery, Cincinnati
- 1987 Schmuck in Bewagung in Schmuck, Hanau, W. Germany
- 1987 Art Show at the Dog Show, Dog Museum of America, St. Louis (juried)
- 1987 Art Update, McAllen International Museum
- 1987 Art Overview, McAllen International Museum
- 1986 Texas Designer/Craftsman Annual Exhibit
- 1986 Texas Mexican Legacy Exhibit, CAS Gallery, Edinburg
- 1986 Toy Exhibition Invitational, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
- 1985 Davis, Moyer, and Ohlinger, Jones and Jones, McAllen
- 1985 Politics of Whimsey, 16 Hands Gallery, Ann Arbor (juried)
- 1985 Texas Designer/Craftsman Annual Exhibit
- 1985 Tip o’ Texas Exhibition, McAllen (juried)
- 1985 Texas Art on the Road, sponsored by the Texas Commission of the Arts
- 1985 ArtX7, McAllen International Museum
- 1984 Del Mar National Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibit, Corpus Christi (juried)
- 1984 PAU Faculty Exhibit, McAllen International Museum, TX
- 1983 PAU Faculty Exhibit, McAllen International Museum, TX
- 1982 PAU Faculty Exhibit, McAllen International Museum Brownsville Art League Exhibition, Brownsville
- 1981 PAU Faculty Exhibit, McAllen International Museum, TX
- 1980 PAU Faculty Exhibit, McAllen International Museum, TX
- 1979 PAU Faculty Exhibit, McAllen International Museum, TX
- 1978 Valley Vision 11 Group Show, McAllen International Museum
- 1977 Valley Vision l Group Show, McAllen International Museum
- 1976 Del Mar National Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibit, Corpus Christi (juried)
- 1975 Arizona State University Invitational, Tempe Northern Arizona State University Invitational, Flagstaff
- 1973 Del Mar National Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibit, Corpus Christi (juried)
- 1972 Invitational Craft Exhibit, Contemporary Gallery, Dallas
- 1972 Del Mar National Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibit, Corpus Christi (juried)
- 1971 Art Museum of South Texas Annual Competition, Corpus Christi (juried)
- 1971 Invitational Craft Exhibit, Contemporary Gallery, Dallas
- 1971 Texas Designer Craftsmen Annual Exhibition, Wichita Falls
- 1970 Inter-D Exhibit, McAllen International Museum (juried) Frontal Images
- 1970 National Exhibition, Jackson (juried)
- 1970 Art Museum of South Texas Annual Exhibit, Corpus Christi (juried)
- 1970 Seventh National Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibit, Bellingham (juried)
- 1970 Drawing: Mid America 1, Joplin (juried)
- 1970 Texas Fine Arts Invitational Exhibition, Austin
- 1970 Texas Designer Craftsman Annual Exhibition, San Marcos
- 1969 Southern Illinois Drawing Exhibition, Carbondale (juried)
- 1968 Ball State National Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibit, Muncie (juried)
- 1968 Evansville Art Museum Annual Exhibition, Indiana (juried)
- 1968 San Antonio Art League Annual Exhibition, San Antonio
- 1968 Forty Second Annual Texas Watercolor Society Annual Exhibition, McNay Art Museum
- 1965 Southwestern Print and Drawing Biennial, Dallas Art Museum (juried)
- 1965 Thirty Second National Print and Drawing Exhibit, Wichita KS (juried)
- 1965 Festival of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture National Show, Macon (juried)
- 1965 Fifteenth Beaumont Art Museum Annual Exhibit, Beaumont (juried)
- 1965 Winners in Louisiana Art Commission Exhibits, Baton Rouge
- 1964 Fourteenth Beaumont Art Museum Annual Exhibit, Beaumont (juried)
- 1964 Twenty Second Louisiana Art Commission Annual Exhibit, Baton Rouge (juried)
- 1963 Twenty First Louisiana Art Commission Annual Exhibit, Baton Rouge (juried)
- 1963 Eighteenth Southeastern Annual Art Exhibition, Atlanta (juried)
- Jarimba, Jose Antonio. The Human Mold, Brownsville: Sara Publishing, 2012. Print.
- Schaeffer, Stacy; Furst, Peter, eds. People of the Peyote, Albuquerque: UNM Pres, 1996. Print.
- Dillow, Louise. Low Cal Cooking, San Antonio: Corona Publishing, 1992. Print
- Chance, Joe, ed. Mexican War Journal of Captain Franklin Smith, Jackson: UMS Press,1991. Print.
- Chance, Joe, ed. Jefferson Davis’ Mexican War Regiment, Jackson: UMS Press,1990. Print.
- Speer, Lon A.; Parker, Jane, eds. Changing Faces: Mexican Masks in Transition, McAllen TX: McAllen International Museum,1985. (book design). Print.
- Bentsen, Lloyd, Sr. A Tribute to My Darling, McAllen TX: Gateway Press, 1980. Print.
- Seale, Jan. Bonds, Edinburg TX: Pan American University Press, 1978. Print.
- Riversedge Literary Review, Edinburg TX: Pan American University Press, 1977. Print.
- Swan, Gloria; Mejias, Hugo. Espanol para Hablados Nativos, Edinburg TX: Pan American University Press.1977. Print. (Cover design).
- Nolan, Paul. Chaucer for Children, Little Red Schoolhouse Press. 1971. Print.
- Nolan, Paul.“Chaucer in the Classroom,” The Instructor, February.1971. Print.
- Jewelry and Metals Survey 2019, Society of North American Goldsmiths, 2020. Print.
- Marissa, ed. Jewelry and Metals Survey 2018, Society of North American Goldsmiths, 2019. Print.
- La Frontera: Encounters Along the Border, NYC: Museum of Art & Design, 2018. Print catalog.
- Ramijek, Suzanne, ed. Body and Soul: Defensive Ornament, Atgel PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2014. Print.
- La Frontera. Velvet da Vinci Gallery, 2013. Print catalog.
- Snyder, Jeffrey B., ed. Art Jewelry Today 2, Schiffer Publishing, 2014. Print.
- The Craft of Making Jewelry, Lark Books Press, 2006. Print.
- 500 Brooches, Lark Books Press, 2005. Print.
- Le Van, Martha: Ebendorf, Robert. 1000 Rings, Lark Books Press, 2004. Print.
- McCreight, Tim. Jewelry: Fundamentals of Metalsmithing, Brynmorgan Press, 1997. Print.
Mitchell, Bob, ed. Metal Arts Sourcebook, Bob Mitchell Productions,
1996. CD-ROM. - LaPlantz, David and Shereen, eds. Jewelry/Metalwork Survey #2, LaPlantz Press. Print.
- Breedlove, Cindy, ed. Artists of Texas: vol 2, Mountain Productions of TX, 1988. Print.
- Breedlove, Cindy, ed. Artists of Texas: vol 1, Mountain Productions of TX, 1986. Print.
- Swiegart, Donna Mason. “Truth & Rumors.” Metalsmith, vol. 40, 2020: Print and Digital
- Swiegart, Donna Mason. “Truth & Rumors.” The Monitor [McAllen] 15 July 2018: Print
- Glazer, Mark. “Clouds and the Psyche.” The Monitor [McAllen] 10 July 2017: Print
- Freeman, David. “InRetrospect.” The Monitor [McAllen] 14 Sept. 2015: Print
- Said, Erika. “Cesacíones y Contínuacíones.” El Manana [Cd. Reynosa] 13 Sept. 2012: Print
- Lewis, Linda. “Cessations and Continuations.” The Monitor [McAllen] 16 Sept. 2012: Print
- Whitehead, Travis. “Headgames: The Bicameral Face.” The Monitor [McAllen] 24 July 2009: Print
- Williams, Sarah. “Revelations of Lylith & Eve: Women Artists.” The Brownsville Herald, 12 Mar. 2006: Print
- David McCall Freeman, “Nancy Moyer: Ex-treme Metals,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 13, no. 1. 2005
- Dindy Reich, “Interactions Exhibition Review,” Metalsmith, Fall issue. 2000: Print
- Padin, Jorge y Leonardo Rodriguez. “Nancy Moyer, interacciones con el pasado, los trofeos del corazón.” El Manana [Cd.Reynosa] 20 Feb. 2000: Print
- McKone, Jim. “Jeweler Hangs Men’s heads on Wall.” The Monitor [McAllen] Jan 28, 2000: Print
- Padin, Jorge y Leonardo Rodriguez. “Nancy Moyer, artista de multiples talentos.“ El Manana [Cd. Reynosa] 18 May 1997: Print
- Padin, Jorge y Leonardo Rodriiguez. “Visión metafísica de la mujer mediante un bello lenguaje plástico,” El Manana [Cd. Reynosa] 6 Oct. 1995: Print
- Padin, Jorge y Leonardo Rodriguez. “Nancy Moyer, Una artista cuya obra impacta, conmueve y perturba.” El Manana [Cd. Reynosa] 30 Sept. 1994: Print
- “Desde McAllen: Nancy Moyer.” Enguardia [Monterrey] vol. 1, no.5, June 1993: Print
- 2018 Texas Standard online news, “McAllen Artist”, December
- 2012 Joseph Bravo, Interview, “Defining Art: Nancy Moyer,” KMBH-TV,
- 1984 Interview on “The View from Here,” KURV radio, Edinburg,
- 2018 Comment and Criticism, Texas Associated Press Managing Editors Citation
- 1991 1st Place for Drawing, International Art Exhibit, Brownsville Art League Museum
- 1990 Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching, University of Texas-Pan American
- 1984 Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, Pan American University
- 1970 Sculpture Award, Art Museum of South Texas Annual Exhibit, Corpus Christi
- 1968 Muncie Purchase Award, Ball State National Drawing and Small Sculpture Exhibit,
- 1964 Twenty-First Louisiana Art Commission Annual Exhibit, Baton Rouge (Award),
- 2019 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Acheivement Award
- 2018 100 Women, 100 Words: Womens History vol. 1, South Texas College
- 2010-2012 Managing Editor for Voices of Art Magazine, San Antonio
- 1996 Juror, RioFest Art Exhibit, Harlingen TX
- 1995 Who’s Who Among American Women, Marquis Books
- 1994 Who’s Who Among American Teachers, Marquis Books
- 1991 Who’s Who in American Education, Marquis Books,
- 1986 Juror, 20th Annual National Art Exhibit, Baytown Community Center
- 1983 Rio Writers, eds., One Hundred Women of the Rio Grande Valley, Eakin Press, Austin
- 1996 “Rapid Prototype Jewelry Design for Production”, UTPA Faculty Research Grant
- 1992 “Macintosh Computer and Graphics Software Applications for Art Instruction”, Title lll - Department of Education Grant
- 1987 “Patterned Metals through Molecular Adhesion for Use in Jewelry,” UTPA Faculty Research Grant
- 1981 “South Texas Ranches.” A photographic study of five Hidalgo County ranches,
- 2003-present Surface Treatment column, The Monitor, McAllen TX.
- 2009 “Phyllis Evans: Sealed for Your Own Protection,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine,vol. 16, no. 1
- 2008 “Art as Ornament,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 15, no. 2
- 2008 “Mario Godinez.” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 15, no. 1
- 2008 “Allen Pogue,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 15, no. 1
- 2008 “Broken Spirit,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 15, no. 1
- 2008 “Philip Field,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 15, no. 1
- 2008 “New Frontier,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 15, no. 1
- 2006 “Professional Guidelines: Update 2006", The Crafts Report, vol.32, Nov.
- 2006 “Manuella.” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 14, no. 2
- 2006 “Celebration of Spirit: the Clark Legacy,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 14, no. 2
- 2006 “Impenetrable Devices: Works by Ira Sherman”, VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 14, no. 1
- 2005 “Corrientes Alternas 2005,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 13, no. 1
- 2005 “The Fifth Biennial Exhibition at IMAS 2005,” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 13, no. 2
- 2005 “International Ceramics Exhibition at IMAS (McAllen),” VOA: Voices of Art Magazine, vol. 13, no. 2
- 2004 "Professional Guidelines Update for Craftspeople", The Crafts Report, vol.30, Sept
- 2018 “Truth & Rumors Jewelry”, TASA Annual Conference, South Texas College, McAllen
- 2018 “About Truth and Rumors”, International Museum of Art and Science, McAllen
- 2014 “Jewelry as a Fine Art,” Festiba at UTPA
- 2004 “Creating an Artist’s Resume,” UTPA
- 1997 “Contemporary Jewelry,” League of Professional Women, Harlingen
- 1998 “Art on Campus,” Edinburg Leadership Council,
- 1996 “Jewelry Construction,” Mensa, Rio Grande Valley chapter
- 1994 “Art, Diseno y Composition,” Encuentro de Diseno y Creatividad, CEDIM, Monterrey MX
- 1990 “Framing Your Work,” Rio Grande Valley Art Leagues, McAllen
- 1983 “Good as Gold: Alternative Materials in American Jewelry,” McAllen International Museum
- 1983 “Importance of Public TV to the Community,” Association of Women Executives, McAllen
- 1980 “Creative and Critical Thinking,” San Perlita Independent School District
- 1974 “Curriculum Design for Art,” Laredo Independent School District
- 1974 “Effective Drawing,” Rio Grande Valley Teacher’s Art Teachers Association
- 1973 “Realism in Contemporary Art,” McAllen Professional Women’s Club
- 2011-2018 Exhibition Coordinator, McAllen Public Library
- 2014-2018 Chair, Public Art Committee, McAllen Chamber of Commerce
- 2010-2012 Chair, McAllen Arts Council
- 2011-2015 College of Arts and Humanities Advisement Council, UTPA
- 2010 Chair and founding member, PARA, University retirees association
- 1995-96 Selection Committee, General Services Administration Project: Pharr Bridge Public Art
- 1994-96 Board of Trustees, McAllen International Museum
- 1981 Board of Directors Chair, KZLN-TV, San Benito
- 1975-80 Board of Directors, Texas Consumer Development and Educational Corporation San Benito.
- 1971-74 Inter-America Craft Alliance charter member (affiliated with the American Craft Council), Edinburg TX
- 1970 Ph.D Instruction and Curriculum, SIU-Carbondale
- 1963 MA in Fine Arts Design, LSU
- 1960 BA in Art, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
- 1959 Universidad de las Americas, Mexico City
- Society of North American Goldsmiths